As One Network

As One Network News July 2022


As One Network News July 2022

When violence seems to take over the world, and when we give up, sit down in the darkness or in turn become confrontational,
if we stop and ask ourselves "what is really going on?,, let us see what we would find there
You will realize how much you strongly want to talk everything in peace. In other words, Everyone really wants to be listened to, to be known carefully, and to understand better "together on the earth".
Once we can get to know such relief and warm atmosphere as emerging between us; who can listen to each other, you will want to do so more and more. The "As One" network is a network that can be done by each proactive citizen uniting to create a communication platform. That is for dialogue and exploration in various parts of the world, while becoming an environment for such proactive each other.
Today, we will continue to bring you the activities that are quietly unfolding in the streets, workplaces, and homes of the world. We are creating societies, in which people can live in peace from the bottom of their hearts.
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Day 2 after As One Seminar

Ms Mayuka, the second person, from left in front row

Report from Mayuka

Last month, I participated in the As One seminar, which lasted 7 days and 6 nights. This camp-like atmosphere, I remember going frequently as a competitive swimmer as a child. As an adult, I have been to meditation and yoga retreats, but this was my first experience since our twins, now 2 years and 8 months old, came along.
I had never really concentrated and contemplated so much about the true, essential nature of self and human beings, and how we can begin to realize peace and happiness in the world.
Why do I think this way?
Why am I like this?
What is happiness?
What is true human nature?
What is possession? What is responsibility? What are rights?
Can a person live alone?
What is a society where people can be happy?
We spend about 10 hours a day thinking about these simple questions, and discuss them together. We talked and listened to each other through various trial-and-error processes, layered ideas, and explored them further and further. I didn't know such a place existed.
There were Swiss, Korean, and Japanese people at the seminar, and four languages (German, Korean, Japanese, and English) were spoken. Among them was the question, "What is language?" Each of us expresses our thoughts and feelings by converting them into words that are familiar and easy to use. But there are also feelings that are difficult to express in any language. The onomatopoeic words, such as "wakuwaku" or "muramura", are not only used to describe sounds but feelings and exist only in Japanese, at least among the four languages.
What surprised me was to realize how often we use onomatopoeia on a daily basis to describe otherwise hard to describe feelings.
This was the moment when the obvious ceases to be so.
People really cannot live alone. This seminar may have been the first time that I truly realized how many people, how many things (created by people), and how much we live as part of natural cycles from birth to death. I deeply felt the connection between everyone and everything (humans and non-human organisms, plants too).
What is true happiness?
Is true happiness just being able to have the things you want and do the things you want to do, like money, things money can buy, and experiences? Then, why is it that so many people are not happy even if they can fulfill their material and experiential desires? Or perhaps, it is precisely because of that, the world is becoming a more and more unhappy place?
Then, what really is true happiness?
I felt that the most important thing is the connection and relationship between people.
That is something that cannot be exchanged for money.
In today's society, the connections between people have become shallow, and I think this is as a result of miscommunications and misunderstandings.
Then, how can we solve this problem?
It always seems to take a roundabout way to get to me, and then eventually reach back home within.
First of all, am I genuinely peaceful and happy?
If not, why? How I be kinder and befriend myself?
Daily awareness and practice begins.
In conclusion, I am overflowing with gratitude for the seminar that helped me to realize various things. I am grateful for the As One Network community, which is actively exploring ways to incorporate these ideas into our daily lives, work, and relationships. If it can be realized in this community, it can be spread throughout Japan and the rest of the world.
I now have a deep sense of hope that I can be a part of it and contribute to a brighter future and a truly happy society for the human species to exist.
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[Serial no.8] As one Every Day July 2022

Community Saijiki literary calendar

Big Boys

坂井和貴(Kazuki Sakai)

Climbing the gently sloping steps and standing on the embankment.
The great ocean stretches out before us.
"Ach, es ist das Meer~"
The sea breeze gently embraces the three big guys as they exclaim in admiration.
"Oh, es ist eine weiße Welle".

*From left to right, Patrick Alex Andre (visiting from Switzerland)

The white waves lapping here and there made us feel as if we were in the "living sea.
As if drawn by the waves, Patric descended to the beach, following the tetrapods. Andre, Alex, and I soon followed.
Patrick arrived at the beach first, quickly took off his shoes and socks, and pulled up his slacks to just above the knees, looking like he was ready to go. At that point, the three big guys instantly became "boys" and began to play with the sea.


They went to the beach, jumped in the surf, picked up shells, talked to children fishing, and walked barefoot on the beach for nearly an hour....
For the three of them, who live in Switzerland and are surrounded by mountains and have no access to the sea, the beach was an exceptionally enjoyable place to visit. It was not until some time later that I realized that it was not only because of the unfamiliarity with the sea....

I met Patrick as a young man on my way to explore a new society that had never existed before. We have been friends for 30 years now, and we have been friends with each other since our children were in the same school, but I had never seen him in such a vivid state before.
If I' d left them alone, they would have made it all the way to the port of Nagoya.
So I said, "Come on, big boys. Let's go home now.
I said to them.

Until the day before, Andre and Alex had attended the June As One Seminar held in Suzuka. They had come all the way across the ocean from Switzerland, not for sightseeing or business, but just to experience a week of the seminar. Patrick was in as their interpreter.

*Three people from Switzerland attended the [June As One Seminar].

Andre has been working for more than 30 years in Switzerland to create a peaceful society without war and conflict. Even for him, the seminar was a shocking experience.
"I had always known this in my head, but for the first time, it really hit home to me. What has happened before is what has happened before, and from this point on, I really want to start from a zero," he said.
He revealed his heart with a "gentle red ogre" look on his face.
Alex, a 37-year-old man, seemed to be attracted to the ScienZ Academy, where people of his age are also studying, and he said, "I want to come back to Suzuka with my friends and partners in Switzerland to send me off. For me right now, studying at the Academy is the fastest way to get back to my true self." And.... Their eyes shone even more brightly than when they were frolicking in the sea.

During their stay, they had dinner with members of the As One Suzuka community.

With the pandemic seemingly temporarily over, the number of visitors to the Suzuka community is increasing, not only from Japan but also from overseas.
The vegetable finishing area of the SUZUKA Farm is also crowded with newly enrolled academy students and participants in the hands-on experience and training programs.

Then, an "incident" broke out!
When Toshiyuki, a member of the farm since its establishment more than 10 years ago, popped into the busy finishing area. A young girl suddenly said to him
"Excuse me, are you here for your first experience?
Toshiyuki replied,
"No, actually, I've been working here for about 10 years.
The whole group burst into laughter.

Toshiyuki Tanifuji and his daughter Hana-chan from SUZUKA Farm

Toshiyuki is mainly engaged in planting, managing, and harvesting rice paddies and fields, and is often on the road, so he is not always at the finishing line. As you know, this is a common occurrence when there are a lot of new employees in any workplace or gathering, but it is still funny.
“There is no newcomer with such a dark, tanned face on the farm," said Toshiyuki.
By the way, it is not only people who are busy on the farm. Summer vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and potatoes are being harvested in earnest. Starting with bright red ripe tomatoes, local customers are happily welcoming the vegetables picked in the morning.

One person who has visited the community many times recently is Shinichiro Hino. (a.k.a. Mr. Nissin).

Shinichiro Hino, a member of the As One Network Okayama, also participated in the painting.

He joined the community members in painting the roof, which we introduced in our Saijiki last month, and played an active role.
He was enjoying painting as his own thing more than anyone else, and he said,
"I'm going to paint this roof.I'm not leaving until I'm done painting,"
he said, and eventually extended his stay to see it through to the end. It was hard to imagine that he was over 70 years old.
Mr. Nisshin, who is also a first-class architect at Hino Kankyo Design Laboratory, came down from Okayama two or three times before and after the event with his own hand to design buildings and facilities for the community.
"Mr. Hino, after all, can't we make this place more like this?"
Koichi, Ryu, and the other younger members of the community repeatedly asked him what they thought was an impossible task.
Mr.Nisshin responds to their repeated and seemingly unreasonable requests with, "Oh, yes, that would certainly be interesting.
Through these responses, I sense that something dormant within Mr. Hino is being drawn out.
“This is the ninth time I've had to rewrite a drawing...I've never had to do that before..."
He looks like a little boy as he happily says so.
I wonder what kind of buildings will be constructed by the combination of his skilled skills and his boyish heart.
And the day before yesterday
"Mr. Motoyama is starting work on the dining room addition here!
I sent an e-mail to him.
He replied, "I'll be there as soon as I finish my chores over here!
Nisshin-san's momentum knows no bounds.
He is truly "progressing day by day.

It is natural for animals to live "according to their instincts.
It is natural for human beings to live "according to their true hearts.
Then, what is the "true heart"? 
What are the desires, will, and feelings that come from the heart?

We often say or hear the words " repulsion," "resistance," " defiance," "aversion," and the like, but what does it really mean?
I have never seen anyone, including myself, who " are repulsed, resisted, defiant, or averse from the bottom of their hearts. I don't think there is a single person who can do that.
Even if someone is repulsed or resists something, it doesn't seem to be from the "bottom of their heart. In fact, it may be very superficial.
What do I want to do "from the bottom of my heart"?
What do you want to do "from the bottom of your heart"?
A "person with a heart like a boy" is a person who is in direct connection with his or her true heart.
If we could live in an environment where we could live with each other with only our simple, heartfelt desires, wills, and feelings, what kind of day would we have, and what kind of life would we lead?
If only there was an environment where everyone could live "from the heart"...

The morning after our visit to the ocean, Patrick wanted to catch the first train, so I dropped him off at the station around 5:00. He said he was going to do some work in Tokyo and take a night flight from Haneda to Zurich. In the car, we talked about Julia, Patrick's daughter who entered the ScienZ Academy this May.
I always feel sorry for Patrick, who is well over 190 cm, but Japanese cars are too small for him, and he inevitably hits his head when getting off the car.
As we were standing in front of the ticket gate, I said to him.
"Patrick, you are finally going to a seminar in Switzerland in July, aren't you?
"Yes, that's right!
Patrick said calmly.
"I'm looking forward to it."
I waved my hand and said.
“I'm sure we'll figure something out. See you later!”
He smiled mischievously and turned on his heel.
The As One Seminar will be held in Europe for the first time on July 17.
After years of preparation and traveling back and forth between Japan and Switzerland, Patrick will be hosting the seminar.
With the support of Andre and Alex.
With this seminar as a starting point, new horizons will expand from a corner of Europe.
With a gait that clearly showed what was already in his mind, Patrick disappeared onto the station platform.
"When I leave the Academy, I want to become someone who can conduct seminars in Europe with my father," Julia said.
Such words from Julia seemed to push the big boy Patric back.
"Wir sehen uns wieder, Brüder."

*Scenery of Switzerland The first as-one seminar is scheduled to be held in Switzerland in July.

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Serial No.6 Listening to the person - What is a heart-to-heart conversation?

Creating the Next Society - Part 6
Toward a society where people can live gently and without conflict

Masashi Ono, ScienZ Institute, Inc.


Chapter 2
3. Listening to the person - What is a heart-to-heart conversation?

Conversation is indispensable for comfortable social life. When that conversation does not function well, it can lead to unpleasant feelings and various problems such as confrontations and conflicts.
I suggest that when conversations become essential, we are able to demonstrate our intelligence in a state of peace of mind, and as a result, we are able to move in the direction of true solutions to various problems, not just temporary ones.

What element is the most important element for becoming a true conversation?

It is the listening, we believe. It is not simply listening to words, nor superficial feelings nor thoughts. To listen to the person, in other words, to understand the person himself/herself, will lead to an abundant conversation in which people can truly communicate with each other and respect each other.

This phrase, "listening to the person," came about as we explored true conversation in our attempt to create the As One Community.
(Now available for anyone to learn it in the ScienZ School.)
What does it mean to "listen to the person?"
Not listening to others, nor to words, but listening to the person.

Even in everyday conversations and discussions, there may be such times as people are not able to communicate with each other despite their best efforts. Or when they have a difference of opinion, or when the topic of conversation is lively but something is missing, or even when they feel frustrated at times. You may also have conflicts because of differences of opinion, be hurt by the other person's words, or get angry and start arguing....
In addition, even when we sympathize or feel as if we are in agreement, saying "yes, yes," or " we are the same," it is often only a verbal and superficial reaction.
What we can put into words is too small to express our thoughts and feelings in our own way. However, we tend to misunderstand that words can express for a person's feelings and thoughts. And so we often react as if we can understand "the person" through their words, which often misleads to emotional reactions and miscommunication.

At lectures, I often ask participants, "Why can't we talk things out?" the answer is often, "Because we have different opinions, it becomes a confrontation.
Let's think about this from the ground, a zero point of view. One way to look at it is, "Different opinions are good because there are diverse viewpoints," or "Different opinions are the reason for development. Even if we have different opinions, there are people who are having friendly discussions saying, "Well, I wonder which one is better?"
I don't think that different opinions mean that there is a conflict. I think that conflict arises because there is a "fixed idea" that says one's opinion is "absolutely right" or "must be". I think the root cause of conflict is the stubbornness to believe that one's own opinion is "right" or "must be". According to the ScienZ Method, the cause of this stubbornness can also be examined and easily removed. When stubbornness is eliminated, no matter how much we disagree, we can talk things in an enjoyable and even funny way.

Every person has his or her own unique world.
Even if they seem to feel the same or different from your opinion, they have their own world that is different from yours and that you cannot know. Each person's world has been formed by the experiences, knowledge, experiences, relationships, and feelings that the person has cultivated.
It is an existence that cannot be denied or affirmed by anyone, but only exists as it is. Knowing that such a world exists and trying to understand it is what "listening to the person" is all about.
I think that conversation is a way to let the other person know your world and to think together with you.
It is precisely because we have different opinions that we want to know more about the other person's world, and by understanding different ways of seeing the world, we can create a conversation that will enrich and deepen our knowledge of the world.

I think that today's society has a strong emphasis on "saying" somethings. Observing everyday conversations, it seems that many people are trying to "say" or "say" something. It may be that there is little experience of being listened to in a comfortable manner. I also think that there is still a lack of understanding about the meaning of "listening" and its potential power.
Listening is not a technique or skill.
I think that when people are listened to, they feel at ease and fulfilled.
I also think that by being listened to, people can become aware of their own true hearts.
The pleasure of being listened to and the joy of listening. A conversation that fills you with delight will begin.

The activity of listening to the person itself begins, as both parties want to know the person and want me to know the person itself. Through mutual acquaintance and understanding, a new "something" is born. By being able to listen to each other about anything, we can build a comfortable relationship with each other, free of any divides or conflicts.
You can say anything and not say anything. No matter what you say, you don't have to deny, reject, get angry, try harder, or say nice things. You don't have to conform to others. You don't have to worry for others. You can be yourself as you are.
I think that is a comfortable relationship. And this is the base of a community where there is no conflict, where everyone is intimate and lives from the heart.

If you are interested in this topic, please read my book, "Listening to the Person: What is a Heart-to-Heart Conversation" (SCIENZ No.2).
Click here to read "Listening to the Person: What is a Heart-to-Heart Conversation" (SCIENZ No. 2).

It is also positioned as a course for listening to the person in the SCIENZ School courses.
Click here for more information on the SCIENZ School.

4. a heart-to-heart conversation solves all problems! ~A sustainable society starts with sustainable relationships.

Some may think, "It may be ideal for us to have this kind of conversation, but realistically it is impossible. However, even if we give up on that and try to deal with the real problems, we often fail to reach a solution because we cannot really have a conversation.
In their haste to solve problems, they end up complicating relationships and making it impossible to have conversations, and many people may have given up on the idea that "people are at odds when they disagree," or that "if there is a stake, there is no choice but to fight," and some others.
As mentioned above, I think it is important to review it from a zero point of view, and to explore and remove the causes of inability to talk and conflict. After becoming able to communicate (becoming someone who can communicate), then we can have conversations. Then, the conversation will develop smoothly. I think this perspective is missing in today's society, or it is not thoroughly understood. When the ScienZ Method frees us from conflict and bad feelings and allows us to have a intimate relationship with anyone, we can have heart-to-heart conversations with anyone, on any topic. A sustainable society starts with sustainable relationships. In other words, relationships that allow for heart-to-heart conversations are the basis of a sustainable society.

In many cases, such as environmental issues, solutions cannot be found because of the inability to overcome conflicts of interest. If each side remains firmly committed to its own position, no heart-to-heart conversations will be possible. If we can free ourselves from the restraints that bind us to each other and understand each other's position, it will not be so difficult to find a path that is truly good for the people around us and for future generations, including ourselves. If we can understand each other, we will be able to utilize and make use of all technologies and methods for real solutions.
Moreover, by talking with each other, free from fixed fictions created by human beings, both things and people will be able to make use of each other freely. In a world free from possessions, exchanges, and rewards, waste and things to be thrown away will disappear rapidly. Just by not selling and buying, there will be no more wasteful weighing and packaging. And there is no need to exchange money, record it, or account for it. Energy and time are also no longer wasted because there is no need to shop and cook individually. At the As One Suzuka community, the amount of resources used, as calculated by Ecological Footprint, is well below the Japanese average, even though we live in a city.

I assume that the problems of suicide and social withdrawal are also the result of the intertwining of various issues in today's society. It is not only the responsibility of those who commit suicide or are withdrawn. It is probably related to the fact that the state of mind that leads to such behavior is formed by the surrounding environment and the lack of an environment that accepts and truly understands the person.
When people are freed from the fictions created by human thinking, i.e., the "shoulds" and "musts" of what should be done, what is normal, what should not be done, etc., and when human relationships are established that allow heart-to-heart conversations, various changes will occur on both the individual and social levels.
The number of people who have their own problems will decrease as there are people who listen to the person and try to understand the person.
It is also reassuring to know that there are close people and communities with whom one can talk about such matters, rather than having to think about them alone.
We will also be able to find a way to review from a zero the various irrational social systems that cause suffering and distress, starting from where we can.
For example, there are currently some children who fail the high school entrance exam and are unable to enter high school, and they are suffering from this. A social environment where such children can be cheerful and energetic (children who want to study can study, children who want to work can work regardless of their academic background, children who want to study can participate in social activities they are interested in, companies are available for those who want to work, etc.) will be formed. As the network of such people expands, the possibilities will become wider and wider. As such relationships, culture, and social environment are created, a society will emerge in which suicides and social withdrawal will not be possible.

What kind of society will be created when heart-to-heart conversations function and are utilized in social management?
In the next chapter, I would like to introduce the current state of the As One Network Suzuka Community as a model for one such community. I would like to write about what kind of society is emerging specifically in the As One Suzuka Community, and how current social problems are being solved, although this is only a small part of the story.
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