As One Network

From a long-established Restaurant to an Ideal One @ Yoshitomo Matsuo

Yoshitomo Matsuo joined "As One Style Experience Program" after learning one of the courses of the the ScienZ School in March.
Matsuo runs a kappo restaurant as a successor in the west part of Japan, that is famous long-established one. He hopes to be able to innovate the new one like Mother's Lunchbox producing and delivering company of As One Community, without having people move hierarchically or bind each other with obligations and rules.

(Ms. Matsuo is in the center of the photo)


The following is Ms. Matsuo's account of his experience.

Experiencing Ofukuro-san Bento

I heard of Ofukurosan Bento, a lunch box producing and delivering company, from Mr. Yoshioka a long time ago. I thought that would help me create my ideal workplace, in which I could work happily and effortlessly while laughing together.

When I was able to get some time off due to the Corona disaster, I experienced Ofkuro-san Bento company after I participated in the ScienZ School.
I mainly served the food in line with other company members, concentrating on serving the food. Although they were doing what was in front of them, each one of them worked with a sense of spaciousness to look around as a whole, and I could sense that they were smiling and caring about any little mistakes.
I also caught a glimpse of my ideal atmosphere when a mistake happend in the number of lunch boxes and everyone involved discussed what to do about it.
Afterwards, I also joined the vegetable cutting work in the preparation process, and I was able to have fun while listening to Mr.Shogo-san, who was with me in the course, tell me about the workflow and other details.
I was able to experience and watch the entire process and how the world I could see reacted to and recognized it, and the feeling of being able to enter without resistance.
I would like to thank all the people at Ofkurosan Bento and the Network office secretariat.
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Focus on the Economic Commons; Representative Nao Suzuki


Mr. Nao Suzuki, the representative of NPO, participated in the As One Suzuka Tour. He had heard about As One for a long time and had always wanted to visit.
He came to the Suzuka community for the first time when he became an instructor of Gaia Youth for young people, the first term of which started yesterday, on 24th March.


During the two days and one night, he seemed to be deeply inspired by the actual company of the community, the atmosphere of daily life, and the dialogue with the people who live there.

From his final impressions;
"The company is feeding a large family by raising and creating economic commons well(such as Mother's LunchBox producing and delivering company and SUZUKA FARM).
Everyone's sense of well-being was very great, and I could feel it.
I thought it was a very amazing project, a rare example in Japan and the world."


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As-One Network News Mar.2022


As One Network News March 2022

Seasons turn, and spring has come. It is the time when all things begin to move dynamically, and we hope everyone on the globe can celebrate such transition of the natural world. However, it seems that true spring is still far away in the human world.
Whenever we are exposed to news of wars or conflicts, we suffer; how the people there are doing, and whether they are having food and clothing during this cold season.
We strongly hope to eliminate any conflicts and confrontations from this world as soon as possible. From the starting point, we will sincerely work together with everyone to build the world we want to realize through the activities of the AS ONE Network a reality for sure. It is impossible not to hope so strongly.
First of all, let us build the inner-world without conflict and confrontation, starting from our selves. And then, with your wisdom and strength, we will build a conflict-free community, even if it is small.
This month, we will continue to report on the activities of our kind and supportive friends.
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[Serial no.4] As One Every Day March 2022

Homeward Bound

The voice calling out, "Baaba,Baaba (Grandma, grandma )," echoes in the background.
It was around 5 o'clock before dinner at the entrance of Suzuka Culture Station.
The person calling is Natsuki. He has been able to walk by himself for a few months now, and has started to speak a lot. As his name implies, he was born in July 2020, in the height of summer. He is half Japanese-Korean, born to Jin, a foreign exchange student from Korea, and Hiroya. His Korean name is Park Hahui, and when he sees Jin-chan, he runs staunchly to her and says "Omma.


Chie, as she is called. She is not a grandmother by blood, but she is the "Baaba"
who has been attending to Natsuki for the past year and a half. The only person who can be called "Natsuki" is "Chie".
At this time of the day, many small children and the elderly share dinner in the community dining room. Natsuki points to each person he passes or meets and calls them "Baaba,Baaba" or "Jiiji,Jiiji(grandpa, grandpa).
The people who are called are not a little bit pleased. Hi, Natsuki!" "Oh, Natsuki!" The dining table is lively and people naturally eat more and more, feeling his growth day by day.
I think that Natsuki probably says "Jiiji, Baaba" more often than any other words he utters.
I wonder how Chie, the elderly, and the surrounding community are reflected in Natsuki's eyes.


I got a message from my mother that she sent a package from Korea, but it hasn't arrived yet?"
Heung-mi came to the information desk at the Suzuka Culture Station and asked me.

It hasn't arrived yet. I'll call you when it arrives.
I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait..."

And then she leaves, mumbling like a small child.
Many people, not only Heung-mi, have their mail and packages delivered to this information center. It is a very comfortable system, as it is open from morning to night, so there is no need to specify the time, and no need to go home and wait only then.
It is a "friendly system" not only for the people who receive the packages but also for the people who deliver them, and it eliminates the need to make arrangements for re-delivery and the hassle of doing so. The home delivery man in charge of this area is getting to know the situation better and better, so he is very happy to help us out.
I delivered it to your house, but Mr. XX wasn't there, so I brought it here.
Sometimes, he even leaves a package for them.

Now, let's turn to Hung-mi.

A couple of days later, a big cardboard box was sent, so I called her and she came flying in.
Wow, it's here! It's here!
Satisfied, she unraveled the cardboard box.
"Everyone, would you like to see what's inside?"
with a broad smile, to Mie, Nana-chan, and me, who were just having a meeting at the information desk. It seemed that she was eager to show us inside.
I want to see, I want to see!
Mie and Nana-chan responded.
I'll show you then.
Heung-mi is very good at this.
This is dried egoma leaves, this is dried radish leaves, this is a towel, and oh, this is underwear-hahaha ・・・・."
One after another, he opened the bags one by one, showing the contents and explaining them carefully.
She even sends you things like that. That's your mother's love, that's your mother's love, too..."
Mie looks on happily as she says this over and over again.
After enjoying the viewing party with the four of us for a while,
Heung-mi is about to pack up her luggage and head for home. "Heung-mi, that weighs more than 20 kg. Do you want me to carry it to the car?
No, I'm totally fine. I'll carry it."
Heung-mi walked out with the cardboard box as if she was delighted with the weight of the box.


Next to the dining room is the community space Joy.
In one corner of the space, vegetables from SUZUKA Farm are delivered daily.
Since the winter vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage, daikon radish, and komatsuna began to arrive, the space has become more orderly and more attractive.

It is as if clear air is flowing in from the farm. Perhaps because of this, some people have said that the amount of vegetables they eat has been increasing.
One day, I happened to come across a moment when vegetables were being

The man delivering them is Mr. Tsukioka from the farm.
One by one, he arranges the vegetables in a container. I was fascinated by his quiet but dignified appearance, as if he was creating a work of art.

I was surprised to see that the Chinese cabbage, cabbage, and daikon radish had been cleaned to the point that they looked as if they could be bitten right off, with the soil removed and outer leaves removed. I could see that a lot of time and effort had gone into the delivery of these vegetables.

In a sense, this is a community space for private use, so the quality of the appearance is not as high as that sold in supermarkets.
So why does Mr. Tsukioka go to such lengths to deliver them?


A childhood friend from my hometown occasionally posts photos and articles on SNS about the Tundra Swans that come to the Saigawa River in Azumino to overwinter. And just this time of year, they are beginning their return trip to the north.
They are headed for Siberia.
They breed there and return to Azumino in early winter with their extended family.
Everyone has probably seen migratory birds flying in a V formation at some point.

It is said to be the ultimate style to accomplish the great journey of thousands of kilometers in safety and comfort with friends. In the Beijing Olympics, there was a commentary on the skating pursuit that the air resistance of the rear runners is reduced and the lead runners take turns from time to time to reduce their workload.
Even though there are no rules and no duty system, or rather, because there is no such thing, they form a splendid V formation, and at every moment, they move according to air currents, air resistance, and the flapping of wings in front of them, taking appropriate turns as they all fly to their faraway destinations. In recent years, scientists have been trying to unravel this secret using the latest technology, and they are discovering a series of functions and relationships among the birds that are far beyond their imagination.
'Birds really understand each other and where their fellow birds are and what they are doing.
I'm deeply impressed by that more than anything."
said one scientist.

Although there is not much snow in Azumino and Matsumoto, the winters are extremely cold because of the high altitude. I wonder how cold Siberian winters are for the Tundra Swans that come to these areas to overwinter. And while humans rejoice in the warmth of spring, the swans fly away and return to Siberia to breed in the distance.


We don't have to expand our territory or go into battle at all costs just because it is extremely cold. Can' t we just go where we want to go, be warmly accepted there, and when the time comes, return home in peace and comfort while being spared and sent off?

Where is it that we want to return to?
Birds know where to go by instinct, and with their own abilities and the solidarity of their friends, they return to the place where they should go.
Where is the "home of the heart" to which we want to return?
How will they return there?

In November 2009, when I was working with scholars and researchers on the concept of the Suzuka Culture Station, which now houses Dining, Joy, and Information, I was told by Masaaki Naito, professor emeritus at Kyoto University, and Dr. Hahn of Germany, who visited Suzuka for the first time There is really nothing special about this area," he said. There are no outstanding cultural heritage sites, no scenic beauty, and no sophisticated streetscapes. If you want to build a new, attractive community, there are better places."
I remember receiving the comment, "If you want to build a new attractive community, there are better places.

It is true that there is little physical attraction here that would attract people, and I have always thought that it would be difficult to build a new attractiveness.
However, I think that now is the time to try to create a " home of the heart"
where everyone will want to return to.

The beautiful world where birds fly, shine, and play with their instincts as a matter of course.
If it were human beings with instinct and intelligence, we would fly more brilliantly and play more beautifully.
The world should be able to play more gracefully.
Surely that is the way it should be.
That too, with the joining together of ordinary people.

"Hey, Natsuki! Hahui!"

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