One Household Economy in city
AsOne Network Suzuka Community
Contributed by:Hiroko Katayama 片山弘子
July 20, 2018
What is the main vision behind your work?
It is the main vision of AsOne Network to manifest "The World as one", in which there are no conflicts and no one left behind; in which anyone can live as authentic self in harmony with all---all existence, human and not human, including present and future generations. The name of AsOne is from John Lennon's master piece "Imagine"; "the world will be as one".
Humans are a part of the whole world named the space, whose essential nature is inseparable and dynamic; "The flowing river never stops and yet the water never stays the same" (Hojoki, one of the most representative Japanese essays in 12c). A human is an appearance like a vehicle of life, limited in time and space, and so it is certain that humans can originally live as one flexibly and peacefully. Nevertheless, “Why cannot humans be in harmony with all? Is that the true nature of humans?
A.Einstein mentioned, "We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest---a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness. This delusion is a kind of a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desire and to affection for a few persons nearest us".
We think such delusion has misled humans to create fictions against the others and to fix them as realities like“The Commodity Fiction”; money, exchanging and possession; that is the root issue of the dominant paradigm. Based on those fictional realities the Capitalism societies have been kept, in exchange of enormous destruction of environment, society, economy and humanity.
私たちアズワンネットワークは、そうした認識の限界からくる盲信が人類をミスリードし、他者に対して対抗的なフィクションを生み出し、それらが事実・実際であるかのように固定されていると考えています。たとえば、ポランニーが指摘した「Commodity fiction (商品化のフィクション)」--お金を得るための道具として世界を見る価値体系---お金や交換や所有等で、これは現状のパラダイムの根本問題です。それらのフィクションをベースにして、環境、社会、経済、人間性すべてに亘る計り知れない破壊と引き換えに、資本主義社会は維持されてきました。
Humans need a new story based on objective realities, learning how to recognize fictions as fictions and what objective realities are. Almost of all individual’s world view and thoughts are formed by value system in the societies. Humans, societies and environment are inter-being. Therefore we have focus on building the experimental community since 2001, like an island without commodity fictions in the dominant value system, in which humans can be freed from fictions and enrich each heart, developing each diverse talent and ability, generating infinite well-beings and prosperity for all on the earth. Not by theories but by observation, when the root issues of human problems are solved and removed, and also when the essential nature and real states both of human and society are kept investigating and clarifying, the world as one will emerge as the evidence of human potentials, even if the scale is still small.
人類には客観的な事実・実際に基づいた新しい物語が必要です。それにはまずフィクションをフィクションとして認識し、客観的な事実実際を認識する方法を学ぶことです。ほとんどの個人の世界観や思考は、それぞれの社会における価値体系によって形成されます。人間と社会と環境は、互いに関係しあって存在する一つのものです。以上のことから、現在の主流の価値体系の海に浮かぶ、Commodity Fiction(商品フィクション)のない島のような存在として、私たちは2001年から社会実験としてのコミュニティづくりに焦点を合わせてきました。
Describe the concrete details:
who, what, where and how you operate
63 core members and 44 supportive ones of AsOne Network Suzuka Community are trying to manifest the true state of organization and ways of management by "the ScienZ"; (see the organizational practices) .
*Community Businesses for happiness;
Suzuka Farm Co.,Ltd., and the Hand-Made Lunch Box producing and delivering company become popular in Suzuka and neighbor cities.
Suzuka Farm Co.,Ltd.,と手作りの弁当製造と配達会社(おふくろさん弁当)が鈴鹿市や近隣の市でよく知られています。
*Inner Economy without exchanging money:
"the Community Space Joy" in which rice, vegetables, fruits come from the farms, cooked meals from the Lunch Box company. Daily goods and alcohol are purchased from outside. Joy's 93 members can take them freely. Books, cars, furniture as well as skills of hair-cutting, repairing etc. are shared. All members, including 70's, can use SNS to link information. Another trial, “One Household” economy of 63 core members and their family with no possession has made their livings free and develop.
What is the great accomplishment of your work so far?
The community has been running as an experimental site in the center of Suzuka city since 2001. The community's Lunch Box company sells more than 1000 lunch boxes per day as of 2018. Their way of management, a kind of holacracy, was introduced in public by some medias recently. And Inner Economy both of "Community space Joy" without exchanging money by 93 members and "One Household Economy" without possession by 63 core members and their family has been started in parallel.
What personal practices have enabled you to break through existing paradigms?
A young member of Suzuka Farm Co.,Ltd expressed his true will, that he wanted to give the best vegetables to the core members who devoted to build the community. He thought, "Humans can never produce rice and vegetable. We need to sell them for profit, but in reality they are growing in Nature. He and some volunteers has created a space "Joy" in 2013.
What organizational practices have enabled your accomplishments to date?
The farming company had started "Regular Study meeting" with ScienZ Institute since 2010, in which the young farmer found his true hope in his mind, frankly opened it and others joined to study. They clarified the aim, made a plan, and then they started the study meeting with "Community Hub" on how their plan could be suitable to the goal and realized in the community. "Hub" supported them, arranging the place, money and people that can meet the aim with their free will. Hub studied the financial issue for the running. Then all members who would work started studying how the space "Joy" can work in the community.
**Background** When the community faced human problems in 2004, some members started investigation on true state of human and society.“ScienZ” method was then innovated: the abbreviation of Scientific Investigation of Essential Nature + Zero. ScienZ Institute was established in 2004 ScienZ School started in 2006, in which people cultivate each mind learning the ScienZ. We have experienced that the personal self-transformation and social one evolve in a parallel way.
「背景」 2004年にコミュニティが人間関係による行き詰まりに直面したとき、あるメンバーたちが人と社会の本来の状態について探究を始めました。その時、サイエンズメソッドが創出されました。サイエンズとは、ゼロからの科学的本質の探究{Scientific Investigation of Essential Nature + Zero}の略語です。サイエンズ研究所が2004年に創設され、またサイエンズを学びながらそれぞれの内面を耕すサイエンズスクールも2006年から始まりました。
What is currently keeping your project, initiative or organization from moving to the next level of impact?
We hope to study and learn, especially how to collaborate and express about us for having the strong impact on the existing paradigm. But it is certain that our efforts are limited. It is necessary for us to get objective suggestions on our present conditions, and also the opportunities to meet to diverse fellows for realizing the world-wide collaboration
To move toward a 4.0 way of operating, what enabling conditions would be needed?
Comprehensive understanding and collaboration through investigation on our actual state is needed from the broad perspective, that is, the whole landscape of the world.
We think it is the most profound issue against the new economy for all well-being that present education make humans believe and fix fictions as realities, like Commodity fictions. As the result, there is no way but humans are isolated and disconnected, even though huge destruction of environment, society, economy and humanity have seriously occurred around. Strong fear to the others misleads human to keep conflict.
In Japan, Korea and Brazil, by the observation of participants at ScienZ School, we have seen the same problems. Finally we have innovated the ScienZ Method as a way of solutions, to find fictions as fictions, not as facts, by self-observation, based on 18 years experience. However, our effort is too small and weak to manifest the paradigm shift based on true humanity on the globe. It is certain that we need good fellows to have the strong impact around the world.
What is the most important thing you have learned personally from your work?
My most important learning is that I really love humans, and that society building is essential for humans' happiness. Learning the ScienZ together, I gradually found my strong fear to others in the bottom of my heart. I could find lots of "should do" way of thinking inside. They were the results from my fear to be judged in my memories, covered with dominant value system of the society. I started listening to me moment to moment; which are humans' fictions? What are objective states? What is the essential nature? I could find my true heart in free and reliable atmosphere of the community. Two years ago, I was elected as a CEO of Global Ecovillage Network Japan officially. I am happy to concentrate on such hard work with no doubt to humanity.
私が学んだ最も大事なことは、私は心から人間を愛しているということ、そして社会づくりは、人間の幸福には必要不可欠であるということです。私はサイエンズをここで共に学びながら、次第に心の奥底にある、他者に対する強い恐れに気がつくようになりました。内面に「やらなければならない」という考え方がたくさんあるのです。現状の社会の価値体系に覆われながら育ってきた経過の中で、私の記憶の中で、「~すべきだ」とジャッジされることへの恐れからくる結果です。それで私は、その都度その都度、自分の内面に問いかけるようになりました。何が人間(私)の作ったフィクションだろうか?何が客観的な実際だろうか。何がその本質だろうか。私はコミュニティの自由で安心できる社会気風の中で、こうした問いを続けることができ、私の本心を見つけることが出来るようになりました。2年前にGlobal Ecovillage Networkという国際的なネットワーク組織の日本の代表として選ばれたのですが、そうしたハードワークに、人間性そのものへの疑念が無い状態で専念できることが幸せです。
What are the key questions or opportunities in your field that need to be explored in the next 5-10 years?
The opportunities; we sincerely hope the Presencing Institute will visit us to see our present actual state, and start collaboration.
Our field is first to manifest the ideal circumstance like a community for happiness for all existences and then to transform Capitalism gradually in ordinarily city. If such social experiment works well, we will find the key to generalize to other places. We need such strong strategies.
* How can we generalize this small social experiment?
*How can we develop diverse educational ways, freed from fictional realities, and recognize fictions as fictions not realities?
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